
+Secrets Revealed

Related: 01 GM/The Arendur Rising Campaign/Prep next/02 Old sessions notes 2/Logged - Session 29
Sir Claudio knight of the black lilly, knight of baron hexton regent of bedegarn.
the Clock is a band of saborteurs and criminals, traitors to the throne, insurgents and rebels.
Sir Claudio's soldiers wear black and red armor with black scarfs covering their lower face attached to their helmets.
The soldiers of the Ashtree knight seem very professional.
"Sabrak Thurlagh" dwarven shame motto, "flawed one in the field of broken dreams"
Halfling peddler on her way to teslions & steelkeep
Elf woman, rider of the white owlbear, is looking for the druid Avarthel from Teslions
Lord Davide Castilla is member of the kings intelligence gathering organisation The Cautier School

Related: 01 GM/The Arendur Rising Campaign/Prep next/02 Old sessions notes 2/Logged - Session 28
Duke Armatage Volantis was known as the Black eagle knight
The duke had a fey wife.
A strange construct TIME does not like time meddling
The mausoleum changed
Fallen star inn - owlbears have wings?!

Related: 01 GM/The Arendur Rising Campaign/Prep next/02 Old sessions notes 2/Logged - Session 27
3. Warchief Saarvith is very loose with his underlings, believes his dragon does all the intimidation for him. He lacks courage when the dragon is not near.~~
4. The old wizardNails at Karou's Bakkehas not been seen or heard for several months now. Usually once a month is normal. His tower is known as Askagars spire.
5. Prior Thorne is an imposter,

Related: 01 GM/The Arendur Rising Campaign/Prep next/02 Old sessions notes 2/Logged - Session 26

  1. Death Squad is working for jawbreaker

Session 25
Session 24
Azarumme an ancient vampire empire 1400 years ago
Azarumme was ruled by vampires and lich queens
A dwarven group seemingly merchants visited the monestary, sold the prior an emerald necklace.
One of the victims of the ghouls was the noble son Bartolo Duarte of House Duarte
- silver ring, dark blue stone with eagle head engraved in silver

Session 23
Session 22
Session 21
Session 20
Session 19
Session 18
Session 17
Session 16
Session 15
Session 14
Session 13
Session 12
Session 11
Session 10

Sessions #5-9
-The goblins have shamans
-An elf maiden wizard keeps company with the goblins
-A dragon key was found in a stone chair
-there is a broken down wall that exits into the underdark, the kobolds might have come through here
-the caved in floor reveals yet another doorway fully closed off by strange plant life (north)
-A bronze dragonborn has been kapt imprisoned atleast 90 years, ‘Copper’, member of the 33rd Shadow Company from the Thunderclap wing
-the leader of the goblins in the sunken citadel is warchief ratbag
-the shamans was interrested in “the female”
-Ratbag called out for Sunkiller during the big fight, sunkiller did not appear
-Ratbag thought he had killed Brumor once before
-The goblins in the citadel are not the only ones, an army is gathering
-The woman Misante was taken to the blackspear castle ruins
-Meg evil eye is aiding the goblins as a favor to her disciple Stormshadow
-Assumi was revealed to be an half-elf and the elven wizard was horrified by it
-A huge goblinoid army is massing and planning to invade Ursia and besiege Arendur
-the goblin warlocks can open portals to feywild, where giants of some kind are waiting
-one of the “masters” is named Bitarra

session #4
-Some doors are closed off by a magical plant,
-the hag coven
{ #Daughters}
Of Meg doesnt live in the citadel,
{ #Daughters}
Of Meg controls @Sunkiller whom the goblins fear, its a “her”.
-The goblins exterminated a kobold colony and stole their dragon.
-The dragon was a green dragon and was the pet dragon of @Meepo-theDragonKeeper.
-The goblin army mainly lives on the next layer down,
-Their goblin warlocks wear purple robes there are 4 of them here,
-There is a tree named Gulthias,
-There are 30+ goblins in the citadel,
-all the !kobold women and children and men were killed by the goblins.
-The Ogre plant hybrids were all branded on the their left cheek
-The first personal armoury had a name plate Dragon Officer @Talarn the dreadless
-The second personal armoury had a name plate
-Some rooms have been magically warded
-Some rooms are locked and can be opened by a set of skeleton keys the Company has recovered
-At least one room was locked with Arcane lock (Dragon door)
-the majority of depictions of dragons has their horns in the fashion of red dragons
-There is another “hole in the citadels walls” which the goblins appear to use
-there were no female prisoners

Sessin #3
-Another adventuring party has been investigating goblin presence in the southern woods before the mountains, a merchant house in Arendur (who controls the spice market) wants -the Crimson Company to see if there is a connection between the goblins just outside Arendur and the ones found in the southern woods.
-They will also pay handsomely for goblin trophies brought back that can be put on display
-A dwarf alchemist is on expedition in the underdark, searching for exotic crystals, he has set up CampOxbar, which was assaulted by ghouls and a spectre.
-The Crimson Company saved the camp and can now use it for training and has earned a loyal ally in Oxbar.
-The sunken citadel is overgrown with corrupted nature, causing difficult terrain everywhere
-The citadel has a secret dragon door which led to a tomb of an elf turned troll.

Session #1#2
-Oozes bust out of victims stomach
-Mercenaries was hired to retrieve goblin statue from a nearby wood.
-Mercenaries hired farmers son in law to do it
-goblins retrieved the statue from the farm and cursed the boy with gutbuster ooze
-BlackDagger Mercenaries camp was assaulted and all killed, by goblins, contract left behind
-Contract was put up by someone named Jenkins
-Goblins in the caves were of the Red Hands army, who had invaded the dwarven halls 5 years ago.
-The goblins had left the main force, over confident and eager in spreading the corruption of Meg evil eye.
-The goblin warlock left behind a portal project
-someone named the Daughters of Meg are behind the goblins
-The goblin boss in the nearby caves has a trophy necklace with 20 human soldier dogtags
-Red Hand goblins favor wolves and cutter-netter tactics
-The statue has a connection to the feydark in the feywild realms
-a ranger discovered the statue and goblin caves, she was caught and sacrificed to Meg evil eye
-the statue has references to Mag Tureah an ancient stronghold in the feydark, rumoured to contain many portals and under the control of the Fomorian King
-the Blackdagger mercenaries came from Kvalec
-New postings at The Lodge include jobs to locate missing courriers and merchants that travels to and from Akacia.
-Misante Zardanti’s necklace was found in the goblin caves
-Misante was heading down south to visit an uncle
-House Zardanti is a minor house in support of a greater noble house that administers the trade portal to Northkeep.
-The ranger found dead in the caves had a large bear tattoo on her back, it could be connected to a ranger society, she also had a wooden octagong the size of a large coin.
-The goblin warlock escaped the caves - now dead - moth wings
-The goblin boss had a drawing of a shield - came back - now dead Krazkar
-In the goblin caves was a small pool of water with wet tracks leading into the cave they used for prisoners
-when the Crimson Company were in the caves fighting goblins, they overheard a wet rasping voice talking a strange language with the boss and warlock.